Eight Great Travel Twitter Tweets for January

Lists: What makes a good travel tweet? Here are eight favorites from the past month.

02.02.10 | 12:26 PM ET


After all the talk about whether to Twitter from the road and how best to go about it, we started keeping an eye out for particularly good travel tweets.

Here, in no particular order, are eight more memorable tweets from the past month that evoke a sense of place, or that offer some humor or insight about the travel experience.

And if you have a nomination for February in the coming weeks, give us a shout out @worldhum on Twitter, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) a tip.

Tight yoga pants-wearing woman to TSA agent patting her down: “Nothing to find in them pants.”

Banana plants, burros tied to lemon trees heavy w/ lemons, tin roof shacks, pink-painted houses. Toto, I don’t think were in Texas anymore.

Overheard: “I wouldn’t miss me either if I was in Hawaii.”

My cabbie is blasting Dragon Attack by Queen and impugning the mothers of other drivers in gutter Slavic. This is empowering

FYI: Airplane middle seat btw strangers probably not the best place to watch HBO’s Rome on an iPhone. Can you say orgy?

The Economist’s Big Mac index has Norway as most overvalued currency. That explains the $10 beer I had there in June.

Today’s travel brought to U by the letter “C”: Caravaggio clouds. Coffee plants. Cattle egret convention. Corn. Coconuts. Carrera. Cuenca.

Beers + salsa dancing + rumors of a coup = Friday night in Burundi

@worldhum is the voice of World Hum on Twitter, originating from @jimbenning, @myessis, @vmconners and @evaholland.

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