Grounded 747? No, it’s a Hostel.

Travel Blog  •  Ben Keene  •  01.08.08 | 3:31 PM ET

Thanks to an entrepreneurial Swede, it may soon be possible to spend an evening in a Boeing 747 that’s been grounded at Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport since 2002. Oscar Diös, the businessman with the rather unconventional proposal, hopes to eventually open a chain of similar hostels at airports around the world.

Wonder if it was the average height of Scandinavians that led Mr. Diös to choose an 80-bed plan instead of repurposing the overhead compartments into some sort of bunk arrangement styled after Japanese capsule hotels?

Ben Keene has appeared on National Public Radio, Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio as well as other nationally syndicated programs to discuss geographic literacy and his work updating a bestselling world atlas. Formerly a touring musician, he has written for Transitions Abroad and inTravel.

1 Comment for Grounded 747? No, it’s a Hostel.

Eliza Amos 01.09.08 | 11:18 PM ET

Very clever ... This on the heels of the announcement that the Swedes will also begin warming Stockholm office buildings with body heat from the subway. Smart cookies over there.

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